Friday, February 25, 2011

The Day

I Remember that day as if it was yesterday, but it was twenty one years ago and life as I knew,was about to be changed forever. I was at the Larimer County Detention Center in Fort Collins Colorado, starting an eight year sentenced for sales of marijuana and cocaine. I did four years seven months, in four different prisons and one halfway house in Colorado, from July 9TH 1990 to February 2nd 1995 and I still remember that day.
I was finely coming down from twenty years of abusing alcohol and drugs.I was starting over and writing Christian articles for the LCDC news letter. While at the LCDC I learned doing time with Jesus was easier than doing time alone and I felt alone. I also found there is a lot free time while doing time. Studying the bible helped me pass time while I was at the LCDC and I liked reading the bible. This was strange to me for all I ever wanted to do was sell drugs. I bought my first ten dollar bag of marijuana at the age of 13 the summer of 1969 and I was becoming a drug dealer. My high school years were full of alcohol and drug abuse and dealing drugs, but I did graduate in the summer of 1975. I would leave my home town of Crookston Minnesota in March of 1978 I was being charged with sales of marijuana and I did not want to go to jail again. My best friend from high school had been living in California and invited me to move out there and had just bought two lb. of red hair Mexican marijuana. So in 1978 I moved to California and bought my first oz of cocaine for five hundred dollars from a man working for the Mexican mafia. I lived in California for ten years and after my wife left me I moved to Fort Collins Colorado in 1988. I started my drug business in Fort Collins Colorado I had five to six people working for me and I was selling one to four oz of cocaine and ten to fifteen lb of marijuana a week. I was having too much fun for one man to have and on Friday July 9th 1990 my freedom was taken away. I was mad, I finely had money ,women, and drugs and it was all taken away. I was at the LCDC looking at seventy eight years in prison my life was over I thought, I Was being charged with the kingpin act that is what my lawyer said.Talk about being scared strait I was scared. This was the beginning of my quest to finding Jesus and why did Jesus love me? I was not a nice person according to my best friend mother. When I was about 16 I over heard her saying that I would end up in prison some day. Well she was write I was on my way I was starting my eight year sentence .
I needed someones help and Jesus was the help I needed. I needed to know Jesus and was he real? This is the question I asked myself and I needed answered. I believe this to be the truth as written in the Bible, "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call his name JESUS; for he shall save his people from their sins." Matthew 1;21 And that God cam to as a child born by the virgin birth and Mary is the mother of God. Jesus the man preached the kingdom of God on earth with love of all mankind. Jesus the man healed the sick, the lame, the blind and raised the dead to show mankind the true love of God. "for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sin." Matthew 26;28 Jesus the man than gave up the greatest gift of all his blood and life on the cross for the sins of all mankind. Jesus the man was without sin. "For God hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be mad the righteousness of God in him." 2 Corinthians 5;21 It was Jesus the man who had to be buried in a tomb and a large rock was rolled in front to keep people away. On the third day Jesus the man had risen. The tomb was empty and the large rock was moved. On that day and forty days to follow Jesus the man was seen by his disciples and over five thousand of his followers. Jesus the man is alive today and is at the right hand of God. Acts 1;8,9 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. I am a born again  Christian and I need help. cash
On that day twenty some years ago I was beginning to learn how to have a personal walk with Jesus and Jesus became real to me. Who is Jesus to you this is the Question that will be asked at the Rapture?
I was changing the pain in my heart was gone and I had a strange new feeling Jesus love.  Proverbs 1
:23 Behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you." Why me Lord  this is the question I asked?  For I am coward why me? I was just beginning to walk with Jesus and on that day I was in the spirit and I had a dream. I now have been out of prison for over sixteen years and I am still learning to walk with Jesus in love and I still remember that day. The day I walked on the shore of the lake of fire and looked into the eyes of living souls as fare as my eyes could see their was living souls. It was twenty one years ago and I was at the LCDC in Fort Collins Colorado.
By Ellert Clemenson The Prophet  2388 HWY 135 #8 Gunnison Colorado 81230 

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